Yikes, It feels like an age since we’ve completed a full gym assessment. But you know what that means? A huge opportunity to celebrate progress- and, wow, haven’t we seen it! I’ve got pages of certificates to print for everyone’s fridge-worthy achievements.
If you’re unsure of what I'm even talking about, at Function Fitness we track progress over 15 different categories of fitness to develop a well-rounded human who is capable of tackling all of life's most tricky tasks. Developing mental resilience, capacity to do the tough stuff and feel incredible in not only how we look but also the energy we have!
If the personal achievement doesn’t spur you on then just seeing what leveling up means to others around you will certainly tick the boxes.
This time, we’re going all-in with assessments. Steve’s revamped the approach, extending the format from one week to two so everyone can cover all 15 categories without feeling rushed.
I know for some of you the “assessments” might seem daunting but no matter where your fitness is now, each assessment provides a benchmark. And remember, it’s not about improving in every category—focusing on even a few can be hugely rewarding and help you set goals. Here’s how it works for each type of member:
We know if we can keep you in fitness for 2 years, we can change your life. After two years of being with us, you’d have built habits that’ll last a lifetime. Whether you decide to take up a new style of fitness, take on your first triathlon, complete a Hyrox race or enter your first ultra marathon. Your fitness might change but your habits will last and to us that’s a win.
Now this cannot be done without an amazing support network, a community of people who have your back.These small wins and improvements in the levels are a stepping stone to everlasting health and wellbeing. This is where you can help us out, no matter where you’re in your fitness journey. If these assessments get you HYPED or they feel a bit MEH, we ask two things of you.
This is a superpower and I was blown away last week with the encouragement & support given through each and every session.
Here’s a selection of bright spots from our group over the last week and I cannot wait to see how many more there are to come as we head into the concluding week of assessments.
Love it or hate it, tracking where your fitness is can be a huge tool for dragging you through the days when it’s a little more challenging to get off the sofa. Sometimes they feel a little scary, but really it’s just another workout and you should treat it exactly like that. I’ve already seen how amazingly supportive you’ve been to each other and how much of a superpower the connections in this gym are. If you are in doubt, you’ve got until the end of the week to experience it.
If you’ve not joined us yet, hit the “Free Intro” button at the top of the page and I’ll meet you in person to make a plan for your fitness.